Object: users

Usage & Structure

Creates a user in the Uberflip account where the app will be installed. Any user created by your app will be listed among all users in the Uberflip application (under Account Settings > Organization > Users). They can be assigned to User Groups and given the same permissions as any normal user. However, users created by an app can't be logged in to like a normal user, and can only be used by the app that created them.

Consists of one or more user objects that each contain the properties listed below.


  • code string / required: The unique name used to reference the user.
    • Create a new user by prefacing value with an underscore ("_").
    • Existing users can not be referenced.
  • first_name string / required / max: 50: The name which will populate the First Name field the user's profile.
  • last_name string / required / max: 50: The name which will populate the Last Name field in the user's profile.
  • user_group_codes array / optional: The User Group(s) to which the user will be added.
    • Values must match values of user_groups.user_group.code.
    • Can also be the codes of existing system default User Groups. See here for a list of system default User Groups and their codes.
  • license_codes array / optional: The license(s) which will be granted to the user.
    • Values must match values of licenses.license.code.
    • Can also be the codes of existing system default licenses. See here for a list of system default licenses and their codes.
  • global_permission_codes array / optional: The permission(s) which will be granted to the user.
    • Values must match values of global_permissions.license.code.
    • Can also be the codes of existing system default permissions. See here for a list of system default permissions and their codes.

Sample Manifest

"users" : [
      "code": "_EXAMPLE_APP_USER",
      "first_name": "Example",
      "last_name": "AppUser",
      "user_group_codes": ["_EXAMPLE_USER_GROUP_1", "_EXAMPLE_USER_GROUP_2"],
      "license_codes": ["_EXAMPLE_APP_LICENSE"],
      "global_permission_codes": ["_EXAMPLE_PERMISSION_1", "_EXAMPLE_PERMISSION_2"]


Users created with this object can not be referenced in any other objects.