Object: user_groups

Usage & Structure

Creates or specifies a User Group in the Uberflip account where the app is installed. Any User Groups created by your app will be listed among all User Groups in the Uberflip application (under Account Settings > Organization > Groups). They can be manually assigned permissions like normal User Groups, and normal users can be manually added to them.

Consists of one or more user_group objects that each contain the properties listed below.


  • code string / required: The unique name used to reference the User Group.
    • Create a new User Group by prefacing value with an underscore ("_").
    • Can also be the code of an existing system default User Group. See here for a list of system default User Groups and their codes.
  • name string / required / max: 100: The display name of the User Group which will be shown in the Uberflip application.
  • description string / required / max: 200: A brief description of the User Group's purpose.
  • license_codes array / optional: The license(s) which will be granted to the User Group.
    • Values must match values of licenses.license.code.
    • Can also be the codes of existing system default licenses. See here for a list of system default licenses and their codes.
  • global_permission_codes array / optional: The permission(s) which will be granted to the User Group.
    • Values must match values of global_permissions.global_permission.code.
    • Can also be the codes of existing system default permissions. See here for a list of system default permissions and their codes.
    • Can be used to add permissions to an existing system default User Group (i.e. if user_groups.user_group.code references a system default User Group), except Account Administrators.

Sample Manifest

"user_groups" : [
      "code": "_EXAMPLE_USER_GROUP",
      "name": "Example App User Group",
      "description": "User Group for Example App",
      "license_codes": ["_EXAMPLE_APP_LICENSE"],
      "global_permission_codes": ["_EXAMPLE_PERMISSION_1", "_EXAMPLE_PERMISSION_2"]


Any User Groups you define with this object can also be referenced in the following objects:

  • users